Saturday, October 29, 2011

Reminiscing the Dead: Todos los santos, All saints’, All souls’, Halloween (?), Undas

It’s this time of the year again. The eerie and scary feeling is in the air again. It’s All Saints’ Day, Araw ng mga Patay, or what is called in the provinces as Undas. Yes, undas. I sort of got accustomed to this term as it was the term used in San Isirdro, Nueva Ecija (my parents’ hometown). I do not even know how Araw ng mga Patay become Undas in tagalog term or some may say as “malalim” as they are not familiar with the term (or is it even tagalog?). How does Araw ng mga Patay become Undas? I have not thought of researching about it. Wait. Time to research! Google it! Haha! Seriously? Yes! Well, no exact reference for the origins of the word. The nearest was that it is a tradition inherited from Mexico in honoring the dead and it is supposed to be from an “Spanish word” meaning to honor (not tagalog after all!). Wait! November 2 is All Souls’ Day (Araw ng mga Kaluluwa). Then why do we honor our dead during November 1? Saints should be honored then. Even the Spanish term is obvious about that: Todos los Santos. And another thing, Halloween is not the same with All Saints’ Day. Halloween is an American tradition celebrated on October 31 not November 1. Halloween seems to be a commercial corruption of honoring the dead.

Whatever the case, Araw ng mga Patay (literal translation in English: Day of the Dead) is a national holiday in our country and it is commemorated every 1st day of November to honor dead loved ones. It is the day of having the feeling again of being with the departed family members. Nowadays, it also serves one purpose – reunions – as relatives meet again after a while. I have nothing against the reunion aspect of November 1. It’s a form of family love and bonding. But others seem to equate this day with having a picnic. They light a candle for the dead and leave it there. Then, they get busy more with chika and food. Araw ng mga Patay is not about picnics. It is nice that you light a candle for the dead but please do say a prayer for their souls (do offer flowers too - even the simple gumamela will do). This day afterall is about honoring them. And what better way to do that? Come on! November 1 is not about playing with melted candle wax and creating a ball out of it. Give respect to the dead. That’s all what is asked for this Araw ng mga Patay.

Respect and pay tribute to the departed before they come haunting you! Happy All Saints’ Day! (Hey, visiting the dead does not have to haunted, scary, or sad; you are after all with your loved ones. They may have departed but they are family!)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Surviving Dengue and Beating the Odds

Hi. I missed you, my blog site. This has been the longest I have not visited and written an article in my site. Why? Either I am mostly not in the mood or sick! Yes, it has been almost two weeks that I have to deal with Dengue (more completely known as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever).
Even as a healthcare professional, I seem to be a bit mystified by this disease, sickness, evil thing, or whatever you term one may want to call it by. I mean, it has been in the news forever, revisiting the headlines for almost every rainy season. “Dengue cases on the rise”. “Dengue outbreak declared”. “Dengue claims a child’s life anew”. It is scary to hear it from the news. It is even scarier if you have to experience it personally. I think you seem to not really know about it until it hits you. This is what happened to me this October 2011.

It all started with simple fever (38.7 C at that!) one Wednesday night, accompanied by joint pains , constant throbbing headache, a bit of lower extremity myalgia (muscle weakness), and loss of appetite. I just took paracatemol as I dismissed as a case of “trangkaso”. But it seems more than that as I have to take two paracetamol and an “Alaxan” to somewhat ease out the freaking headache and for my body temperature go down. It took almost the entire day to perspire or “gisawan”. Well, with the fever gone, I was able to feel a bit comfortable. Lab results from that day revealed only a bacterial cause of infection and tests for Dengue NS1 were negative. (This was only an ER consultation.) However I felt that it is not yet over as the headache is still there (even if it’s not that painful anymore).

True enough, my body temperature rose again that evening. It went on and off until Saturday morning. That Saturday morning spelled the difference. I had sensation then to vomit. “Naduduwal lang ako.” But what eventually came out what was tinges of blood. Back to the hospital! The latest laboratory results look promising! Alas, too bad for me! My hematocrit is on the rise and platelet count is dropping. Impression: Dengue. So I have to be confined that day in Manila. Intravenous fluid was started with STAT order for fast drip of plain NSS. My platelet count needs to be rescued! Further laboratory work out reveals positive (+) NS 1 Ig G. So as prognosis favored Dengue, petechiae in the earlobes and dengue rash started to appear. Again, I had a fever again that evening. It was the last time I had a fever. However, more rashes started to appear in the lower extremities.

For three and a half days, my platelet count was monitored every morning and I was infused with 1 bottle of plain NSS and 5 bottles of D5 Lactated Ringer’s (D5LR). Input and output was constantly measured and monitored. I was discharged Tuesday evening. I was told to rest and continue increased intake of oral fluids. Well for two days, my body still feels weak. Recovery was well on its way Friday as I was able to regain more strength. And eventually, I was able to run and complete my first ever half marathon (21 km) on a Sunday. I have completely recovered! Talk about beating the odds! Life is a celebration! All thanks to the doctors and staff nurses of Hospital of Infant Jesus and my family who accompanied me, took care of me, and prayed for me throughout my ordeal. More importantly, I thank God for letting me survive and win against Dengue Grade/Stage II!

Because of what I have experienced, I tend to drink more fluids now (water and juices). Let’s say I am not an avid fan of fluids before. I only drink after eating. Also, “off” lotion is of more of a constant regimen now for me. I am now more wary of the place I go. I hate the female Aedes aegypti mosquito! As a reminder to all, I end my article with these reminders about the dreaded Aedes mosquito and of the Dengue it causes:

Aedes aegypti , the mosquito usually bites at dusk and dawn but may bite at any time during the day - especially indoors and in shady areas, it is low flying (so have your lower extremities protected also, apply insect repellant or wear long clothes – long sleeved, pajamas and the like- as applicable), they stated on clean stagnant water (cover all water containers).

On Dengue – on the first signs of off and on fever, consult a doctor immediately so as monitoring and follow up check up can be done. Do not wait until bleeding episodes appear before consulting a doctor. In any sickness, most of all pray and be optimistic always. (Who would have thought I will be able to complete my first 21 km of run after an ordeal with Dengue?! That is being optimistic about the odds of life!)
Wait! Come to think of it?! Why do Dengue outbreaks happen every year during the rainy season? Are there no long term solutions to this for cases can be lowered down significantly? Why does the health sector of the government (most especially the health leaders) seem to have heightened alert only during the rainy season? Would it be more ideal if we all in the health sector be involved in preventive measures all year long? Would it be more of good cause for all of us be involved in cleaning up surroundings all year long and not be dependent on seasonal clean up drives, fumigation and breeding places destruction campaign?  Constant  and responsible effort is the key isn’t it? Give it a thought.
Ciao! Life’s a blessing! Until the next blog article!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Close Knits, Holiday Economics, Optimism

Article by: nallagaredseyer83 8-29-2011

(This is a freewill writing of sorts)

Hiya! I am back! Another one to two month long hiatus! It took me so long to write again because of having gone quite a stressful phase in my life. Well, I am glad at least things are somewhat getting better. It’s a long weekend in the country as Monday and Tuesday are officially declared holidays. So what’s in a Monday? National Heroes Day! (Moved instead of having it on a Sunday. Ok fine, it is the principle of holiday economics at work). How about Tuesday? Well, it is our little way of paying respect to our Muslim brother by being one with them in their observance of Eid’l Fitr.(What? Go figure it out. Just joking. It marks the end of Ramadan.) This four days “vacation” break for some is such a luxury. Time to enjoy, relax, ponder, and most importantly, bond with the family and friends. Be there for your family. (I accompanied my mom yesterday to a mini get together with some of her college classmates. Talk about old people bonding together!) Kidding aside, there's really no other worthy substitute to the warmth we get from the company of others we consider as special and loved – family and friends. This long weekend reflects that the Filipino culture of the being closely knit to the people we hold dear is alive. Close knits is still proudly within our hearts especially towards the family. This is one of the many things that we can truly be proud of as Filipinos. Hurray for having been born with the Filipino identity! Come on, do not be so negative Believe it! There’s still something good in being a Filipino and these things are what we must be thankful of to our Creator. Okay, there’s still hope! There’s the PNP helicopter scam, government officials resigning early in the President’s tenure, the peace talks ending on a low note for now, critics suddenly going full gear while GMA is in the hospital –“bantay- salakay”, etc., etc... Hey! Wait! The Azkals reached the second round of the World Cup qualifiers, the Dragon Boat team won 5 golds and 2 silvers in Florida (setting aside the politics), the Peso-Dollar Exchange Rate having been steady for some time at 40-42 pesos and not escalating inflation rates, families continue to be in support of each other amidst the trials of life, Petron winning over the heavily favored Talk and Text, increased awareness of local government units (LGU) in disaster preparation when there is a storm, etc… etc.. The country has been kept afloat to some degree amidst the controversies. There’s still light at the end of the tunnel. Let us continue to be optimistic and continue striving for that change we have been wanting for so long. Even if we ascribe different meanings to that change, we must not put an end to our very own good intentions in life. Be thankful and believe.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Saddened by "Falcon"

June 23, 2011: Flash news at 6pm over the radio!!!! Bad news! Tropical Storm Falcon increased its strength as it merged with a low pressure area. Result? Presence of strong winds with heavy rainfall in Manila. As expected, it caused floods and traffic jams in the roads of Manila. The third storm to visit the country in the past 3 weeks or so. So what's new?

The truth is that there is nothing new. This is what saddens me. It seems that people have not learned from the storms that has visited by the country in the past. As I have observed along the Nicanor Reyes Sr. St. (Morayta), different sort of things ( mostly garbage or trash) surfaced and came rushing back to the ground. People don't seem to learn how to dispose their garbage properly. Is it difficult to understand that this contributes to clogged drainage that eventually leads to flash floods and traffic jams during the rainy season. Why express your disgust and say expressions such as "yuck", when you haven't really done your share to be part of the solution to the problem? Be disciplined and responsible enough of your trash. Dispose it neatly and properly.

I also noticed some MMDA trucks giving "libreng sakay" to stranded commuters. This happens every time there is flood after a storm. There is nothing bad with helping out others. But would it be better to find a long term solution to this problem? Strong political will can motivate the citizenry to be part of the solution. This seems to be what is lacking. The government should be determined to find the solutions to this problem - like they really mean it! As leaders, the initiative should be upon them. An initiative which serve the best interest of the public and not just "pa-pogi", "ningas-cogon", or "as necessary".

Let us all do our part to contribute to the solution to this problem. Little acts are big when it come to cumulative value. Is it nice to see the country not flooded anymore after a storm or heavy rainfall?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Power Couple

This short article is somewhat overdue. Well, it is better to have one than never. I sort of promised to write this to one of the nicest and most responsible persons I know. But instead of just her, i shall include her real life better half. I shall be dubbing these guys the "power couple".

It really takes two to tango. Any kind of relationship won't work wonders if those in it don't love, trust, and help each other out. I am adding to this equation, discipline and being fit. Why? Because these two are not just in love with each other, they run together! (That is in running race events!) It is not easy to joggle everyday's tasks - work, life, love. Yet these two - Abner Eustaquio and Mary Gizelle Delos Santos- still manages to be fit by participating in running events! They have participated in quite a number of running events. Having patiently trained for each - 5k, 10k, 21k, 42 k. (Especially 21 km runs, where they finished with respectable times each run). It is quite fitting that all their hardwork be rewarded with successfully finishing the Singapore Sundown Marathon held during the last hurrah of May 2011. They bucked the injuries they have to participate in this running this event. It all boils down to having discipline, patience, and believing in themselves.

Kudos to this two for including practice runs at UP and Meycauayan Sports Complex, some 21 km as training runs, warm ups, cool down, and rehab sessions in their daily routine. Running is never easy. It takes hard work to participate in running events. It also takes proper timing and intelligent play on when should you upgrade your mileage. Pace yourself and never hurry.

No guts, No glory. Magic ingredients mixed together: discipline, faith, love, patience, intelligence, hard work. The end result is their being successful real life couple and running partners. I salute the two of you! Run and love at its best! See you soon at the races! Good luck and God Bless!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

RHeacting to the BILL

How to start? Where does life start? This seems to a big issue in the Philippines nowadays. Bishops are going on a head to head battle with the Lower House as to where life begins. Even legislators are hitting on each other. Everyone’s going loco over this issue. Why? All because of the RH Bill or the reproductive health bill. (There are many versions and they are trying to come up with one that will be best for all).
How does one define life? What’s your definition of life? Where does it begin? Scientifically, life is the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally (taken from, it starts with the Love of God and thus leading to the creation of the world: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness." (Genesis 1:1-4). However technical life’s definition maybe, “experts” agree that it starts with conception. With this, the plot thickens. The “experts” have different ideas as to what conception is. From what I have been hearing in issue debate and commentaries on television and news reports, it’s a battle between science and religion. The church see it as something conceived; notion, idea, design, or plan (when you plan to do the act, life starts). Legislators and other see in equal with fertilization (the egg meets the sperm). For my part, I agree with the scientific version of conception as it is more definite. A plan or notion is difficult to gauge and is more of an abstract thought. An abstract thought would not help us go forward and help protect the rights of the citizens.
Perhaps, another source of conflict is the meaning that individuals put into reproductive health. Reproductive health is not entirely concentrated on a pregnant women’s health or condition. More aptly, it involves a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of reproductive disease or infirmity.” Reproductive health deals with the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. Furthermore "reproductive health ... implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Implicit in this last condition are the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for regulation of fertility which are not against the law, and the right of access to appropriate health care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. In conclusion, it includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations, and not merely counselling and care related to reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases. This is a clear and definitive conceptualization as to what Reproductive Health is as stated and agreed upon on The International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action – UN and WHO.
Basing on these concepts, it is clear the RH bill is not after the suppression of the people’s right to life rather it puts premium on life’s improvement and having it on an optimum state. It is not entirely and solely about the prevention of STDs. It is note solely about promoting family planning methods. It does not promote unsafe sex or premature especially amongst the youth. Nor it has the “hidden” agenda of “legalizing” abortion. It has been clearly expressed that abortion is out of the RH concept, repeatedly! I do not know why certain people get these ideas. Where specifically are these notions stated in the RH bill? Any logical person would not HYPOTHESIZE on these. Be fully informed before reacting on this issue. The RH bill aims to give the people a HOLISTIC approach to sexual health. It offers the people information to decide on what would be best for them to obtain optimum sexual health. For crying out loud, informed consent means having to decide on a matter after being fully given of the information including risks and benefits. It is not coercion and not limiting the people only into one choice. Every individual is unique, a concept or method or procedure may not be effective for him or her as it was for others.
Erratum #1: A legislator claims that oral contraceptives being able to slightly increase the incidence of breast cancer among women as being one of his reasons why he is anti-RH but a health expert claims that it can cause a decrease in incidence of other cancer. The bottom line on this conflict in a recent television debate program is Informed Consent. A woman is informed fully of a family planning method including its risks and benefits and is given a chance to decide for herself after weighing the facts. Furthermore, a woman is assessed by the doctor before being recommended a family planning method. (All other existing medical procedures or methods have risk but it has been accepted as the benefits outweigh the risks.) The only method I am not favorable is the IUD. IUDs affect the mobility of sperm and preventing them from joining with an egg. But if it does not prevent the union, the foreign body inside the uterus irritates the lining and wall making it hard for an embryo to implant. In this sense, the IUD can be abortifacient. I think IUD should be removed as a family planning method in the RH bill to eliminate all apprehension that it promotes abortion in its entirety.
Erratum # 2: The legislators do not claim that the family planning concepts within the RH bill will solely be the solution to overpopulation but rather it can be one way that can help decrease the population which can subsequently can help decrease poverty.
Erratum # 3: The sex education contained within the RH Bill should be properly placed in the education curriculum of the country for it to be beneficial. Sex Education is not plausible for all ages in the education curriculum of the country. It should be placed in an age category that permits wide and mature comprehension. It is not applicable to young elementary children. Coercing its placement in the elementary curriculum would further cause conflict. (Try remembering that the country has somewhat of a strict catholic and traditional Filipino values). Sex education is not after teaching the youth of the act rather it is for having them be responsible adults.
Erratum # 4: What most people are wary about is maybe the implementation of the RH bill. How sure it is that there will be no corruption? The government should be transparent in its transaction once the RH bill is implemented. How much will be used for its implementation? Where would they get the fund? How would it be used that the people will entirely benefit from it? Reports on how funds are to be utilized and follow-up reports on fund usage and program implementation should be publicly published.

Friday, April 22, 2011

More than just divinity

This is my third (short) article this April as having been inspired by the National Geographic Channel. As I was changing channels this Holy Friday, I came across this particular documentary about an intriguing tomb excavated some 30 years ago that was rumoured to be the lost tomb of Jesus. This particular discovery brought about some other intriguing concepts about the divinity of Jesus Christ. There was a particular point suggesting that he was married to Mary Magdalene and had a child. Dan Brown has used this as a turning point in his novel – The Da Vinci Code. The Church has contradicted this claim. Many Catholics have reacted violently to this claim. I just felt I have to express my thoughts on this as a person, a Catholic, and a Son of God.

This is quite an attack to the divinity of Jesus Christ. But if you truly believe in Him, you should not be alarmed. So what’s wrong if He had married? Or more so if He had a child? Do these destroy your faith on Him? If yes, you have a faith which is shallow and untrue. So what if He had a family? It does not remove the fact that He have done all to save our lives, even sacrificing his own life to do it. The value and worth of His love and sacrifice should not diminish even if he had a family. You should look deeper into his devotion to the world. If this being a fact (supposedly) rattles your faith, then maybe you really do not believe in Him. I am a fan of Dan Brown’s novels and reading The Da Vinci Code did not alter my belief. (Truly, he used the wrong words in his cover page but this an entirely different topic.) Having faith is believing in someone’s worth and not in his status. Jesus’ worth is more than just an issue of divinity. His worth is reflected in His undying love for us. This is what we should hold on to. Keep believing and be thankful of Him. Happy Holy Week!

Editorial to Noy's Appraisal

Just this April 14, I posted something in facebook. The post: “What's happening? all prices are going up!!!! any progress in the country? mr president? hello???? are you there? bakit di ata nararamdaman presence mo?”. I posted it as a reaction to the some news on TV (which is just the tip of the iceberg to why I had such a post). I thought of it as a harmless post. But to my surprise, some friend reacted to it a bit violently and opinionated. They have their point. All are acceptable points of view. Well, at least on my part they are. But before any comment or criticism get out of hand. I have to explain myself.

President Noy’s administration is really young. But so far the facts has not been good. I have watched a certain episode of Mareng Winnie's "Bawal ang Pasaway" program where facts has been presented as to why the president has been adjudged to have not been fully working in his capacities as a president the president's meeting with the cabinet and important councils is greatly not within what is mandated by law. These meetings are deemed important to steer the country. Ms. Winnie Monsod may not be a perfect resource person but she knows the facts and she has the right to say that the President may have not been performing at par. Ms. Monsod is a former member of the President Cory’s cabinet and she is knowledgeable of what is mandated by law as to the time needed to be rendered by the President on priority meets such as that of the LEDAC, cabinet, and the like. As a result, the public asks as to why GMA and especially her mom was able to do it during their time.

Also, it is a fact that his work or activities is not much publicized to the people. It seems logical that you do not have to brag so much about the things you’re doing for the country. But you should not leave the people clueless – Keep them INFORMED of what you’re doing for them to feel a sense of security. Less time should be given to running crazy and going after those people who did good for the GMA administration by performing their jobs well but not necessarily loyal to her. My post is not just about the prices going up. It is just the tip of the iceberg.

President Noy’s administration is young indeed. It may be too early to judge his administration’s capability. But his approach seems to be too “laid back” that the people (or his BOSS) are not feeling his presence as president.

Life is interesting

I have not fulfilled my promise to myself to write an article last march. It has been another month and a half or so hiatus. So I am again writing two articles to somewhat fulfil my “promise” of writing at least one article a month.
It is never easy to write an article because you have to be in the right mood and have the right inspiration in order to come up with the right words to exemplify or describe appropriately a particular topic of interest. Last month, these things seem to be just not there for me. I am stressed since the mid of February but ironically this has brought up my interest to write just now!
Why was I so stressed? It’s all particularly because of some series of events. First, I have to devote time and effort with a quite stressful yet fulfilling - knowledge wise – subject at the graduate school. Specifically because the standards set were a bit in a perfectionist state. This was quite understandable since our professor was a multi-titled professional. But I am thankful to be under such a person for our class were able to learn a lot from her. Adding a particularly significant load of stress is that I was not granted an extension by my then employer until the end of February. But it proved to be good because it offered me time to make a do with the requirements I have to complete and submit by March to a new employer (which is again quite a stress – certifications here and there are just some of the requirements).  Another source of stress but one which is good in its essence is our batch’s induction climb – February 25-27 - (Mt. Ugo at Benguet) for the mountaineering club of UP –PGH. Stress in the sense that this climb that we need to finish and prove that were worthy of being labelled as mountaineers – pressure! But gladly after what seemed to be an endless journey to the summit and down, we were finally inducted as members– sound and safe with just a few minor scratches and (sun)burns. Well, it seems a fitting end that we end our trip at the Pinagbenga Festival in Baguio. But rest is quite short for me as I have to attend immediately the following day with an aching body and sunburn an HR orientation. The following week I participated in Run United 1 (March 6, a day before my birthday!). Nice to see again those old familiar faces from my previous line of work – somewhat lessening my being tired for having just a week gap from the induction climb and my first 10 km run. All of these add up to my life experiences. Most importantly, these things made me realize that life is so wonderful and we are empowered and are capable to make our lives fulfilling and interesting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

On writing poems

Since I was not able to write last month, I am writing another article to express my thoughts. Last week, I was cleaning my room. I stumbled into one aspect of my personality that I seem to have forgotten. I used to write poems! (I was influenced by a dear friend). Believe it or not! When and how? It was back in 2000 when I first wrote poems. Somehow, I lost interest on it after two years. I do not know why. It is not easy to write poems. You have to be in the mood (bad or good! but better: in the good mood!) and find the right inspiration to write one. I found copies of some poems I made. I was surprised because I thought I no longer have copies of them. Well, I am happy to unearth this aspect of my personality then. Maybe, somehow this will lead me having a renewed interest in poetry. I will just to wait and see! Anyway, I include in this article three short verse poems I made. One of it created when I’m in a really bad mood! Do not judge me so bad because of these! Ha! Ha! Ha!
“Struggles of Life” (4-3-2001)
Each of us has struggles of our own
For whatever purpose it may serve
Nobody knows
Only God really do
But it’s not right
To put the blame on Him
Instead, stand up
Face the day with courage
Live up with faith
And make the most
Out of your life
“Pledge” 4-3-2002
Love isn’t just a word
Nor a mere theatre act
It is a pledge
Not of forever
But of Eternity
Found in our hearts
Filling the world with magic
And making it
Such a wonderful place
“Everything Sucks” 8-31-2001
What a day it has been
Nothing to be seen
The river used to flow
With the wind blowing so slow
But look what you’ve done
Its life has gone
Would you even care?
You’ve never been fair
Go away fucks
For everything sucks!