Monday, February 21, 2011

On writing poems

Since I was not able to write last month, I am writing another article to express my thoughts. Last week, I was cleaning my room. I stumbled into one aspect of my personality that I seem to have forgotten. I used to write poems! (I was influenced by a dear friend). Believe it or not! When and how? It was back in 2000 when I first wrote poems. Somehow, I lost interest on it after two years. I do not know why. It is not easy to write poems. You have to be in the mood (bad or good! but better: in the good mood!) and find the right inspiration to write one. I found copies of some poems I made. I was surprised because I thought I no longer have copies of them. Well, I am happy to unearth this aspect of my personality then. Maybe, somehow this will lead me having a renewed interest in poetry. I will just to wait and see! Anyway, I include in this article three short verse poems I made. One of it created when I’m in a really bad mood! Do not judge me so bad because of these! Ha! Ha! Ha!
“Struggles of Life” (4-3-2001)
Each of us has struggles of our own
For whatever purpose it may serve
Nobody knows
Only God really do
But it’s not right
To put the blame on Him
Instead, stand up
Face the day with courage
Live up with faith
And make the most
Out of your life
“Pledge” 4-3-2002
Love isn’t just a word
Nor a mere theatre act
It is a pledge
Not of forever
But of Eternity
Found in our hearts
Filling the world with magic
And making it
Such a wonderful place
“Everything Sucks” 8-31-2001
What a day it has been
Nothing to be seen
The river used to flow
With the wind blowing so slow
But look what you’ve done
Its life has gone
Would you even care?
You’ve never been fair
Go away fucks
For everything sucks!

Thoughts about running

I sort of promised to myself that I’ll be having a new year blog or at least a blog on the first month of 2011. But sadly, I was not able to. I was thinking then to write about the four Christmas parties I attended and the debut party of my beloved cousin Ann. But that may no longer be the case now as those can now be regarded as “distant past” (for a lack of a better term). So what now? What topic shall be my topic of interest? Wait! Maybe, I can dwell into my being a runner. Well, being an accidental one that is.

I never thought that I’ll be a running enthusiast. It was all merely an “influence” (coercion? Joke!) by a co-worker then. But why did I allow myself to be influenced? At first, I do not like to join a running event. But what convinced me is my belief that running will benefit me for the good. How? First, running would help me develop stronger legs (somehow?) for my “intentional” hobby, mountaineering. Second, it will serve to make my body more healthy (in stamina, that is?!). Third, and most importantly, it tends to improve the friendship and bonding between co-runners and co-workers.

To sum up my thoughts as a runner, I agree that running is a competitive sport or interest. But it is more than a competition. It is about friendship and having fun. Beating your previous race time serves only as a bonus. Running has more to offer than competition. Look into it in a wider perspective. Enjoy life! Have fun! Run!