Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A day after the seige

well, it seems that the controversy stirred up by the hostage taking at the quirino grandstand will haunt us for quite some time. President Aquino was rather soft and naive in the actions he had taken after the incident. Come to think of it.. why did He not intervene while the hostage taking is happening? Isn't he the commander in chief of the country? the chief executive? Isn't it that the hostage taking is not just a simple police matter but one that concerns international security? Some people are joking that the new meaning of SWAT is "Sorry Wala Akong Training", which is quite evident in how the incident is handled. No training, no skills, no control. Much of the Filipinos seem to be not aware of the severity of the situation or the magnitude of its impact. It is quite evident in the videos wherein there are audible sounds of some people laughing in the background. Add to it the number of "usisero" near the hostaged bus. It seems to them that this is merely a headline news or showbiz news. Sadly, some Filipinos are not broadminded when it comes to a situation like this. Take a look at these pictures i found in the internet. This makes me angry and depressed that some Filipinos don't understand what just happened. The more bad news is that the Police also thinks that this is just a matter of photo opportunity. Guys, show some values and morals. It's time for a change. Isn't it what we have been advocating for so long?!

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