Thursday, August 19, 2010

Six Sacred Stones (Matthew Reilly)

this a book comment slash review to matthew reilly's book entitled "The Six Sacred Stones". this is apparently the second book to the trilogy of adventure of the main lead characted Capt. Jack West Jr. Wikipedia offers a summary of the book but I am not assuring its accuracy. The book seems to be boring at the start but as you read further you will be amazed of the adventures that the characters have undertaken. But the book is rather too much for a person not inclined or not much into history and symbols things. In comparison to Dan Brown's Robert Langdon Adventure Series ("Angels and Demons"; "The Da Vinci Code"; "The Lost Symbol"), the book is rather too technical in the use of history facts. The situations that the characters have been into are rather a little "far fetched", in the sense that it is somewhat improbable to happen in real life. (Dan Brown made his series enjoyable and simple to understand for the common person.) The book it rather lenghty, almost 600 pages. The book is a good read but you must have real patience to reach the good part of it. The first parts were not encouraging for you to read on. The plot is good but it could have been presented more simpler and easier to read on. I am NOT writing this blog to malign the book. Mind you, the book is indeed a good read. The only thing going against it is that the author tried to squeeze in almost all of the information and/or facts contained within his bibliograpy or "references". If I were to rate this book in a range of 1-5 stars, 3 stars for the good research.

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