Monday, August 23, 2010

Unsafe Philippines once again!

This not a good day for the Philippines. Another policeman tarnished the "Philippine's finest" reputation. But to certainly a bigger magnitude. The Manila hostage taking is a depressing, embarrassing, and disappointing event rolled into one. The Philippines is again the "apple of the eye" of the rest of the world for being a violent and unsafe country. 8 hostages died in the incident which clearly reflects that the "negotiators" did not handle it well. The arrest of his brother heightened the tension of the incident. Why such a violent arrest? And what evidence is at hand to have him an accessory to the crime? To me, it seems (at least to what i have seen in the news), it is not clear why is he being linked to the hostage taking. Kudos to the police for further heightening the tension! (Did they take notice of the hostage taker's first demands?! the Commission on Human Rights thinks otherwise.) The "avalanche" of tear gas thrown in the bus made it difficult for the police to control the situation and come to think of it, maybe some of the victims were killed by some of the police themselves?!? (did they have a clear view of the bus when they are trying to get in or have they been confounded by the tear gas?) The number of hours required to end the crisis reflects the lack of training of the police force to handle such a situation. This crisis had put the Philippines once more on bad light. Also, the Philippine National Police is again under fire from the people for the way they handled the situation (The "torture" incident is still fresh from everyone's minds). Something should be done to further equip the PNP to handle such situations. Equipment and trainings as President Noy said. But this has been an old issue... I hope the President will ACT instead of just commenting.

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