I am back after almost a month and a half of not blogging. I said to myself that I will write a blog article once in a month but it took me another month to write again another article. Well, it is the last month of the year 2010 and so as not being able to write last month, I will be writing two blog articles or "commentaries" or "stories" or whatever may fit, for lack of a better term.
Christmas is one of the two most awaited events (or spectacles?) in the country. One being the new year. Christmas is over. December 25 had past. (The Christmas spirit still lingers as the Christmas Season is not yet over as others may contest?!) The Christmas this year is particularly simple and somewhat lackluster (again, this is for a lack of better term!). If compared to past years, many families (or some - as others may disagree) "obliged" to have simple dinner or noche buena which maybe a reflection of having financial setbacks and "challenges". Some families maybe saddened by a sudden change of atmosphere in the annual noche buena. Less extravagance. Less food. Less gifts. In a more appropriate term, "SIMPLE".
Most people think of Christmas as a time for being thankful of your blessings. So they make the effort to have a ham, grapes, wine, and the like for noche buena. Most people even look more forward for gifts and "aguinaldos". Yes, Christmas is all about celebration and being thankful for the blessings we received for the whole year. But we are forgetting its real essence. We must must not saddened by "sudden" simplicity of our celebrations. Remember, Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ. And His birth is NEVER about "extravagance" and "materialism". It is rather rooted upon simplicity. Yes, simplicity! In case you have forgotten, He was born on a manger in a stable full of animals. Today's yardstick of Christmas celebration was fanned by the media as countdowns, concerts, bazaars, tiangges, holiday sales and alike abound during the Christmas season. (For God's sake, it is not also about the MMFF!) Christmas' real essence is all about being with the family and being thankful to the Lord. Let us not teach the kids about aguinaldo and "bonggang" noche buenas, let us inculcate in them the real essence and importance of Christmas Day - that is being with Him and the family. Merry Christmas to all again! (well, the Christmas season is not yet over!) Enjoy the rest of the Holidays!
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