Sunday, December 26, 2010

Commenting on HP 7 (Not violently!)

Well, as a promise to myself, here is another blog article/commentary. Hmm... What to blog? What to write? The four Christmas parties I attended this year? My participation in two running events? Our climb in Mt. Pundaquit (Anawangin)? Well, let us just reserve these topics for the new year or January blog of mine. Ha ha ha.


I will just be blogging about a movie. Yes, a movie! I watched the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) just recently- before the Christmas break. Well, I was a ecstatic at start. Excited perhaps that this is the first part of the last movie installment of Harry Potter series. JK Rowling's writing is superb in the last book of the series. Well, enough for the book already! I am writing a blog for the movie. There was high expectations for the movie. At the start, it was good. But somehow, in the middle and towards the end, the "pacing" of the movie somewhat slowed, relying much on sounds and effects to awe the viewers. The book may have been given more justice if attention was given to other details on the book. These may look minor details on the cinematic standpoint but these could have given the movie more impact as what others may say "mas may kurot ang story" or you can feel more the story if these details were given a bit of emphasis or created as a part of the movie or these may not make the movie look a too abridged or summarized version of the book's first chapters.


There are many of them. Here are just a few: The "Potterwatch" program was reduced to merely a radio program Ron was listening into, enumerating the deaths caused by Death Eaters. In the book, it provided the three somewhat a happy relief hearing the voices of "River", "Rapier", and "Romulus" on the radio showing support for their cause and Harry Potter. How about Harry Potter's contending with Hermione how the three hallows fit with the ring (how it may had the resurrection stone), the cloak (Harry's), and the elder wand - Dumbledore's that is. Or how was it that the Sneakoscope deleted in the scene? And the burial of Dobby? This is how the book pictured it. He was taken inside the Shell Cottage - where Bill and Fleur stay. Harry used a spade to dug a grave for him instead of using magic to give him a proper burial near the Shell Cottage. Harry even made his jacket more of a blanket to protect the elf's body. And this is where Luna closed his eyes and not in the ocean banks as in the movie. More importantly, Harry etched a marker for Dobby in a stone stating "Here Lies Dobby, a free elf". A touching series of events which could have put the emphasis on the story of the book.

The movie
is good in its entirety but if you look into it together with the book on which it is based, it somewhat too abridged, too summarized. As comparing it with other HP movies, it is good but still not good enough to earn my nod as the best of the series. HP 1 and 2 movies are rich in details that a first time viewer will understand the essence of the story contained in the book without even reading it. If I were to rate the movie, 3.5 out of 5 stars for the effects, sounds, and visuals, 2.5 for the vividness of the story details, 3 in its entirety. But if this is a prelude to the second part (which it seems to be as being too condensed on details for a three hour movie), i will give it a 4 out of 5 rating. Well, i hope the second part will not be too abridged and will concentrate more on presenting vividly the story details. (The movie is based on the book!)
I will be looking forward to the second part of this last movie installment. See you all in the movie houses!

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