Thursday, February 2, 2012

Side Comments Galore: SC CJ Corona impeached by the House and Midas’ “Soft” Golden Touch (Yes, I know…. this is still a quite overdue comment)

I am not a “balimbing” person or one that takes sides on issues of the country. I am also not an “expert” in law. But my common sense dictates that the impeachment complaint filed against SC Corona had been railroaded. The complaint was drafted in an apparently record time and more so the verification process. 188 congressmen signed in without really reading the complaint as per the nature and structuring of words. Well, I must admit my analogy can be an exaggeration of sorts. But isn’t it that the impeachment complaint approved and signed by 188 congressmen too fast? In a too short span of time? Can they read that many pages in that span of time? Well, this only shows the too tiring redundant cycle of politics in the Philippines – the past versus the present administration. There is nothing wrong with having the CJ answer for his wrongs if proven guilty. But isn’t it more righteous and more adhering to “daang matuwid” if it is done the proper way?

Okay now! I go to the lighter side of issues in the country or should I say “softer” side?! This is in reaction to the “microphone bluffing” incident of Supreme Court Spokesperson Midas Marquez in front of local and international media which had inadvertently labelled him as “gay”. Let us believe him. He already explained that it happened for he wanted to make the moment light and more at ease. On the other hand, there is nothing really wrong if he is indeed gay. So what’s wrong with that? I don’t see anything wrong with having a family man, lawyer and SC spokesperson being gay. I am not saying SC Spokesperson Marquez is gay nor I am a gay rights advocate. All I am saying that we should throw away discriminating and stereotyping attitude on our dealings with people. This is one of things that are hampering us from improving as a nation. Let us accept people for who they are. Work with them. Accept their ways as long as it is not in bad faith. On second thought, lawyers should be “hard” and real males! Ha! Ha! Seriously, discrimination and stereotyping is not helpful in the nation’s productivity in general.

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