Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Graduate School: Journey and Faith

                I sort of missed this. Writing and expressing your thoughts. Writing without the margins of a recommended thesis format. No APA format. Hahaha. It has been a while since I last logged into my blogger account. It feels great to be back. It feels great to have finished what you have started.

                My graduate school journey has not been a smooth one. I have not consistently enrolled with a “full load” so I know I will not be able to finish in two years. Second Semester, AY 2011-12 should have been my earliest plausible day of finishing my graduate studies. But many things, to my dismay, affected my emotional stability, focus, and self confidence. I went into depressive states many times; not necessarily becoming psychologically incapacitated to be confined in a mental institution. But surely enough to derail me in my thesis. And even the dreaded Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever contributed to it.

           I  am very fortunate to have been surrounded by people who gave me the necessary push to continue and finish instead of just quitting. I am also thankful of having found in time a new sense of faith. Add to it a series of “Keep Calm” reminders.  It has become from a simple schooling to a mission. To show to the people who believes in me that I can do it. It was tough. It was nerve-racking.  Yet, I was able to make it.

To all my professors, classmates, and to my research adviser, I say thank you even if I know no form of thanks is never enough to show my appreciation. To family and loved ones, thank you.  I just love you all. And most importantly, to God be the Glory. Prayers are indeed powerful.

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